20th Nov 2022.
Session on Waste Management
Environmental Sustainability is a key focus area for Dr. Reddy’s Foundation and it is essential that students understand its importance. In our attempt to encourage students to play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable waste management practices at our school and in their communities, an awareness session on effective waste management practices was organized on 20th November for students of classes 8th and 9th.
The focus was on categorizing waste rightly and proper disposal of waste. By learning about the different types of waste and how to dispose of them responsibly, we expect students to become environmental stewards. Based on recommendations made by experts in the session, we are holding regular awareness drives for all students. Adequate facilities have been provided to students to segregate and dispose of dry and wet waste separately. Other recommendations included setting up a wet waste composting unit. The school management is keen on establishing a wet waste composting unit accessible to students and the general public and is discussing the best course of action.