20th Jun 2022.
Teacher Training Workshop
Teacher training workshops are an essential component of professional development at KARV. These workshops provide our teachers with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge, stay current with educational trends, and exchange ideas with their peers. With the rapid changes in the educational landscape, it’s vital that teachers are equipped with the latest teaching strategies, technologies, and resources to meet the needs of diverse learners.
Teacher Training Foundation (Bangalore) organized a three-day workshop from 6th June to 8th June, at our campus, for all the teachers. Pre-primary Teachers Workshop included two days of extensive training in “Phonics” by facilitators from Macmillan Publications. Teachers also received training on enabling children to use the five senses to explore the environment and make sense of their immediate world. Facilitators from the Teacher Training Foundation also briefed on physical development in children.
Primary and High School teachers had sessions on techniques of questioning to analyze a student’s understanding of a subject better. Facilitators also instructed about necessary teaching tools to help students move from passive learning to active learning.
Teacher Training Program on Learning Poverty, FLN ( Foundational Literacy and Numeracy), and SAFAL (Structured Assessment for Analysing Learning)
One of the key factors contributing to learning poverty is the lack of foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) refer to the basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic that are essential for children to succeed in their education and later in life. We place a high emphasis on FLN to make our students competent enough to comprehend complex ideas, communicate effectively, and make informed decisions.
All teachers attended a training session on 20th June to understand learning poverty better and tools to bridge learning gaps. The session guided teachers to develop content-based and competency-based questions on literacy and numeracy skills.
We are planning to develop more targeted interventions to address learning gap completely and develop FLN skills among students so that they can achieve their full potential.