26th Nov 2022.
Seminar on Women's Safety
Women’s safety education is crucial for reducing instances of harassment and violence against women. We want all our students to have knowledge about safe behavior, self-defense techniques, and resources for reporting incidents that can empower them to take control of their own safety and the safety of others around them. Moreover, this education can also raise awareness about gender-based violence and encourage students to become allies in the fight for a safer society.
A seminar on women’s safety was organized by Dr. Reddy’s Women’s Safety Unit on 26th November for class 10th students and women teaching staff to make them aware of the issues related to the safety of women.
Following were the key highlights from the seminar:
- Self-defense techniques are the first and foremost thing of which each and every woman must be aware and get proper self-defense training for their safety. Some effective defense techniques such as kicks to the groin and blocking punches were demonstrated.
- Women should be active in sensing hostile situations. They should be quick to act accordingly.
- Women should avoid traveling or accepting things from an unknown person.
- Women should be cautious while communicating with someone on the internet. They should refrain from sharing personal information.
- It is advisable to have all the emergency contact numbers including state or city women’s helpline numbers saved on mobile phones.